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image for Alliance
Image for Alliance – TaurusBeats (Taurus James)

Alliance is 5 minutes and 40 seconds long. It's in the key of C-sharp major and the time signature is 4 beats per measure. Loudness is -12.34 db and the tempo is around 79.99 bpm.





Finished? Yes
Public? True
Recording Title: Alliance
Alternative Title: Alliance
Recording Type: STUDIO
Date Recorded: 4/23/2019 9:37:30 AM
Recording Year: 2019
Composition Year: 2019
Track Reference:
Session Country USA
Cleared Territories:
Primary Genre: Electronic Jazz
Secondary Genre: Electronic
Music Tempo: 80
Music Key: C-sharp major
Music Mood(s): Serious
Samples Used:
Medium Info 
File Name: TAURUSBEATS_The-Lounge_0053_080_Alliance_0002_20200701.mp3
File Type MP3
Duration 0540
File Size
Cover Art https://taurusbeats.com/files/taurusbeats-the-lounge.jpg
Contributor(s) Info 
Verified?: Yes
Author(s): Taurus M. James - ASCAP IPI#440853857
Composer(s): Taurus M. James - ASCAP IPI#440853857
Producer(s): Taurus M. James
Publisher(s): MYEL MEDIA LLC - ASCAP IPI#1193625247
Main Artist(s): Taurus M. James
Taurus M. James
Covered Artist(s):
Ownership Info 
Exploitable?: Yes
Owner: Taurus M. James
Full Control? Yes
Master: Taurus M. James
Composition: Taurus M. James
Country: USA
Language Info 
Has Lyrics?: No
Explicit Lyrics? No
Lyrics Language:
Lyrics Publisher:
Audio Language
Release Language:
System Info 
Active? True
Date Added 10/18/2021 3:34:48 PM
Date Updated 7/24/2024 12:58:22 PM
Description Alliance is 5 minutes and 40 seconds long. It's in the key of C-sharp major and the time signature is 4 beats per measure. Loudness is -12.34 db and the tempo is around 79.99 bpm.
Tags: The Lounge, features piano, Serious


Alliance by Taurus M. James.

Alliance is 5 minutes and 40 seconds long. It's in the key of C-sharp major and the time signature is 4 beats per measure. Loudness is -12.34 db and the tempo is around 79.99 bpm.

Acousticness: 0% - Track isn't acoustic

Danceability: 69% - Track is good for dancing

Instrumentalness: 87% - Likely is instrumental

Energy: 67% - Track is energetic

Speechiness 10% - Probably doesn't contain talking

Liveness: 8% - Track was recorded in a studio (not live)

Valence: 59% - Vibe is happy, cheerful, and/or euphoric

Listen to Alliance on Spotify

Topics: Alliance Lounge Music Background chill slow tempo low energy laid back original piano improvisation muzak

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