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BPM Matching: Match Sample Tempo To Song Tempo

image for BPM Matching: Match Sample Tempo To Song Tempo
Image for BPM Matching: Match Sample Tempo To Song Tempo – TaurusBeats (Taurus James)

Question from a subscriber:

Hello TaurusBeats,

I'm a beginner and I got much respect for your work .I got reason 4 and recycle 2.0 but I don't know how to make my sample at the Bpm of my song.For instance, If I don't know the original bpm of my original sample and I want make a beat at 90 bpm How can I do ? I would like to know too what is the best way for sampling in reason ? dr rex or NN-XT ?

Sorry for my English But I from Paris.

Thx !!!



Good questions. First, since you know that you want to make a beat at 90BPM, you should "stretch" the sample to that it is 90BPM by using Recycle. I don't have Recycle, unfortunately. But I use WAV editors like Adobe Audition and Sony Sound Forge to do what is called "time stretching". It re-samples the sample to the BPM that you desire (even if you don't know the original BPM). From there, you can use recycle to "chop" the sample however you like.

One way that you can figure out the original BPM of the sample is to use the metronome in Reason. Play the sample in a loop and then set the BPM in Reason to something that you think is close. Make sure the metronome is on and then hit play in Reason on one of the "down beats" of the sample. Change the BPM settings until the clicks that you hear match the sample for at least 2 measures.

Another way you can find the original BPM is to use an online BPM calculator. Play the sample and then tap your keyboard's space bar to the beat of the sample. Do this for about 4 measures (or 16 beats/taps) and you should get a decent starting BPM for the Reason beat.

Let me know if this helps. I'm going to add videos and other info there that should help you out.

Grace and Peace!

Topics: BPM Matching sample tempo propellerhead reason nnxt recycle time stretching beat matching beat BPM nn-xt

What People Are Saying

VTine - na

I received your information from your sis. KayJay, I'm the one she spoke of that would be emailing you ref. a friend of my newphew trying to push some music. Just wanted to try and help him out. Thanks PS nice music you have there.

Calvin Daniels - USA

Great, uplifting song to start my Monday morning! Keep at it, and I'd like to hear some more!

William E Dubra - na

Always encouraged by your music and determination. I have been praying that your eyesight is restored. Love your beats sir. Blessings my bro

pandapoonmonster - na

Nice. I just started makin beats on reason 4 with an axiom 25. Still have alot to learn but i hope to be as good as this soon. Music is life, keep it up.

Edward Samuel - India

This site has good instrumental music
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