What's up, fam!
Thanks for the comments.
You can chop samples using almost any WAV editing software. Before I started using Recycle, I used Zero-X BeatCreator. The thing about these two software programs is that they have an easy way to create slices by allowing you to draw slice markers and then have the program do the cutting for you. In other programs, you have to do the cutting manually, which can be tedious sometimes.
The MPD advantage is the feel of striking the pads vs. striking the keys. This may not seem like an advantage, but the feel of making music can actually come across in the music itself. With the pressure sensitivity in both the MPD and the Oxygen 8, I have to be mindful that HOW I press or strike a key/pad will have an effect on the sound that is triggered. "Pressing" a key down has a different sound than "striking" a key. It is still more of a preference thing, though. You can still bang some beats out using both.
The key is to pick the equipment that works best for you, rather than just getting the latest or most popular thing out. Go to a Guitar Center or music store like it, where you can test the different equipment in the store. Pick the equipment you feel good about and that motivates you when you look at it.
When I look at my MPD, I'm automatically thinking "BEATS" (drums, percussion, rhythm). When I look at my Oxygen 8, I'm thinking "MUSIC" (strings, piano, melody). There are some psychological aspects to making music. Whatever your mind state is when you sit to create, will come out in the track.
Let me know if that helps.
Grace and Peace!