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What's up Taurus,

Happy Sunday :)

Just wanted to drop by to get you up to speed so you can know exactly what's going down...

So over the last week, I've been sending you my best tips on making professional-sounding drum patterns...

To help you master your workflow, create addictive tracks, and make people want to listen to your music on repeat...

These tips have taken me over 10,000 hours and 7 years of experience to learn...

And as soon as I implemented them, my results and my music career skyrocketed...

So if you haven't checked those emails already...

You'll definitely want to go back in your inbox and check them out...

There's some good stuff in there :-)

Now, more importantly...

Tomorrow is the official release date for the Unison MIDI Drum Blueprint

It's coming out exactly at 9AM PST, Monday, February 1st.

And there's something important I have to tell you about it in just a second...

But first, let me tell you why we created the Unison MIDI Drum Blueprint...

So, 3 and a half years ago...

We started off with the original Unison MIDI Chord Pack...

And since then,

Over 120,000 producers from all around the world have purchased their copy...

Then, we decided to take it one level above by making the Unison MIDI Blueprint...

Because producers requested us to make genre-specific MIDI chords and progressions...

So we did that...

Then we took it even a level further...

By making the Unison MIDI Melody Blueprint...

Because obviously once you have your chord progressions handled...

The next thing you need to do is have great melodies to take your tracks to the next level.

And then...

We worked on a secret project for over a year...

And ended up releasing the Unison MIDI Wizard...

Which took everything to a whole new level...

Allowing producers to instantly generate hit chord progressions and melodies in 20 genres on-demand...

But then, we had to think for a bit...

So after sending out multiple surveys asking our customers what their music was missing...

And why they weren't able to make the music they hear in their head...

We realized... it all came down to drum patterns.

And at first...

I wasn't sure how we could help producers make drum patterns that were at a pro-level – reliably and consistently.

Without just giving them cookie-cutter audio loops like everyone else.

Because with standard audio loops. everybody uses the same ones and they get stale after just a few studio sessions...

But then, one afternoon...

While we were on a team meeting...

I came up with the idea of MIDI Drum Kits...

And thought:

"What if we could create perfect drum patterns, with all of the right elements for each genre?"

So that you could just drag-and-drop these MIDI Drum Kits into your projects with your favorite samples that you already love...

And instantly make an unlimited amount of professional-sounding, relatable drum grooves...

For 20 genres of music...

So that's exactly what we set out to do.

We started off by going through the top Spotify, Soundcloud, and iTunes charts for each of the 20 genres...

We studied the patterns, the drum grooves, and relentlessly dissected everything that the pros were doing...

To make such addictive tracks that are getting millions and millions of plays.

And finally, after analyzing hundreds of songs...

We solved the puzzle...

The result?

We were able to create 1,000 full professional-quality MIDI drum kits...

50 across each of the 20 of the biggest genres of music...

So that you can drag and drop them into your projects, and make perfect drum patterns on-demand...

That's a total of over 5,300 individual drum patterns...

And we called it the Unison MIDI Drum Blueprint.

And it's finally coming out tomorrow, Monday, February 1st at 9AM PST...

But as I mentioned earlier, there's something important I have to tell you.

For this initial launch, we're limiting it to only 1,500 copies...

And based on our previous launches...

Like the Unison MIDI Blueprint which sold out 2,000 copies in 7 days...

And the Unison MIDI Wizard that sold out 3,500 in 10 days...

These 1,500 copies will sell out extremely fast.


There are 14,979 producers on the early access list, and they'll get a 1-hour head-start to grab their copy...

If you didn't get on the early access list, no worries...

You can still check your email at 9AM PST tomorrow and see if there are copies available.

With that said, I'm super excited for you to have a chance at getting your hands on the Unison MIDI Drum Blueprint...

And thanks for being a part of the Unison Community :)

Until tomorrow,

P.S. Be ready for the email tomorrow at 9AM PST. Since the Unison MIDI Drum Blueprint is an exclusive release... We have to limit access to only 1500 fast-acting producers for this initial run. If you're serious about making pro-quality music, you could be one of them.



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MEMORIES Album Now Available

TaurusBeats MEMORIES Album is Now Available on TaurusBeats for VIP Members!