Making Moody instruMental Music is my passion. Helping others to make their music better is my quest.
I made these videos to show and share how I make Moody instruMental Music and explain why I try to help others make music better.
I also make sample-flip beats using Propellerhead Reason music software.
With Reason 6.5, I am able to quickly compose and arrange anything from Hip-Hop Beats to film cues to my original Moody instruMental Music.Propellerhead Reason along with the Akai MPD32, M-Audio Oxygen25 USB controllers and my laptop make up my portable music studio.
You can download music and license music right from this website.
There is no copy protection or DRM, so you can download music to any device you want. You can also get non-exclusive licenses to use my Moody instruMental Music in your projects. I want you enjoy the music and come back for more.