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How To Layer Drums and Samples in Propellerhead Reason

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How To Layer Drums and Samples in Propellerhead Reason

by TaurusBeats (Taurus James)

image for How To Layer Drums and Samples in Propellerhead Reason
Image for How To Layer Drums and Samples in Propellerhead Reason – TaurusBeats (Taurus James)

Learn how to layer drums and samples in Propellerhead Reason and get drum layering tips and techniques from TaurusBeats.

This post is about: how to layer drums, layering drums, layering samples, how to humanize drums, beat making, how to make beats, propellerhead reason

Learn how to layer drums and samples in Propellerhead Reason and get drum layering tips and techniques from TaurusBeats.

This post is about: how to layer drums, layering drums, layering samples, how to humanize drums, beat making, how to make beats, propellerhead reason

Topics: how to layer drums layering drums layering samples sample flip how to make beats videos propellerhead reason

What People Are Saying

Ron Wess MusaQ - na

Aye Wasup TB you never seem to disappoint this is nice right here....Great Job Awesome (" Aye get at me when ya can k PeaceLove&GodBless

pandapoonmonster - na

Nice. I just started makin beats on reason 4 with an axiom 25. Still have alot to learn but i hope to be as good as this soon. Music is life, keep it up.

Reggie Graham - na

RE: The Upper Room... Great music! Stay with Lord.

Maluson - Belgium

Hey Taurus, i told u i would listen to ur beats, man, they're bangin, so funky.
Keep doin what u do, u do it well, no doubt.
I hope we could have the opportunity to work together. As soon as my new 'sounds' are online i'll hit u up with it.
Much appreciation for your listening on my page.

Kamikahze - na

Where are you located? Also what would it take for you to produce some tracks for an urban hip hop gospel album?
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