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What People Are Saying
Ron Wess MusaQ - na
Aye Wasup TB you never seem to disappoint this is nice right here....Great Job Awesome (" Aye get at me when ya can k PeaceLove&GodBlessVTine - na
I received your information from your sis. KayJay, I'm the one she spoke of that would be emailing you ref. a friend of my newphew trying to push some music. Just wanted to try and help him out. Thanks PS nice music you have there.Maluson - Belgium
Hey Taurus, i told u i would listen to ur beats, man, they're bangin, so funky.Keep doin what u do, u do it well, no doubt.
I hope we could have the opportunity to work together. As soon as my new 'sounds' are online i'll hit u up with it.
Much appreciation for your listening on my page.
Dj Sergio - Poland
Oh men!! Your Exodus is a really good track!! great beat.......piano.... fantastic.......tell me where you will be have more tracks on your site...Jonathan Ustin - na
Completely answered my question. Great demonstration of your work process. Really tight beat too. Thanks much.?