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Propellerheads Reason 4.0.1 update released

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Propellerheads Reason 4.0.1 update released

by TaurusBeats (Taurus James)

by TaurusBeats (Taurus James)

image for Propellerheads Reason 4.0.1 update released
Image for Propellerheads Reason 4.0.1 update released – TaurusBeats (Taurus James)

This is a FREE maintenance update for Reason 4 owners. From now on, Propellerhead Reason 4 will ship with Reason 4.0.1 update. This maintenance update not only resolves some minor issues, it is IMPORTANT to users of the Akai MPD32 because it has the MPD32 listed as a recognized controller! Again, this is very important for those of us who have the MPD32 because we can just plug the controller into the computer and Reason recognizes it without having to jump through a bunch of hoops.

Here are some release notes regarding this update:

Reason 4.0.1 update features:

Akai MPD32 Support!!!

Reason 4.0.1 Supports Akai MPD32


  • More tolerant error handling when loading custom fonts.
  • Selected installer language was not used when upgrading from 3.0, this is now fixed.
  • We have improved the error handling when copying Remote maps and codecs during start up.
  • All sample players (NN-XT, NN-19, Dr Rex and Redrum) – High Quality Interpolation is now enabled by default.
  • Improved handling of mono/stereo connections while auto-routing.
  • Dragging devices to the rack from the tool window only worked with the top-most window, now it works with any window.
  • More robust error handling during startup, avoiding certain timing problems in Windows.


  • Automation type for Dr Rex transpose parameter was continuous – changed this to stepped.
  • In certain situations Command-A did not work properly on Mac OS X.
  • Notes with same Start or End position could change the play/stop order randomly. This could only be noticed while playing chords on a monophonic device. This is now fixed.
  • Fixed note trig queuing for extremely short notes. This was causing phased effects when doubling clips exactly on two layers.
  • “Reset automation override” could default to wrong value.
  • Pressing Stop the second time moves the song position locator to previous start position, it could sometime move to song start if the locator had been repositioned during playback.
  • MIDI import of file with redundant note information is now filtered.
  • Uncombining a Combinator deleted the Combinator's sequencer track. This is now fixed.
  • Reason could take a long time to respond when entering extreme numbers in position editors.
  • Overriding parameter automation by loading a patch did not always indicate automation override. Now fixed.

Improved workflow in sequencer

  • If a clip is selected in Arrange mode and you switch to Edit mode, the clip is automatically opened for editing. This only happens if the clip is on the current track.
  • You can press [Esc] to close an open clip in Edit mode. If the clip was opened from Arrange mode, this will automatically switch the sequencer back to Arrange mode.
  • Only one single clip is created in loop record mode. Before, a new clip was created for every new loop.
  • Changed Zoom behavior: The program now zooms on the song position locator if it's in view. If not, it zooms towards the left edge of the current view.
  • Drag and drop now also works in left-handed mouse configurations.
  • Text-entry of a tempo with a decimal in the transport panel or when editing the static value was counter-intuitive: Typing something like '120.5′ or '120.05′ delivered 120.005. This is now fixed.
  • Added label to velocity and pattern lanes.

Remote – support added for:

  • Akai MPD24
  • Akai MPD32
  • Akai MPK49
  • Edirol PCR-300/500/800
  • Frontier Design Group Alpha Track
  • Line 6 KB37
  • M-audio ProjectMix I/O
  • M-audio Axiom 25/49/61
  • M-audio Oxygen 8 v2
  • Fixed a performance problem with the Remote Override “learn” feature.


  • Performance problem when having many ReFills installed.
  • Reason could crash when saving if there was more than 300 ReFills installed -fixed.
  • Better error handling while file searching in browser.
  • Broken search for missing sounds in songs created with OS hide extensions enabled – fixed.
  • Changed wording of memory usage in patch browser to avoid confusion.
  • Saving patches in Reason version 4 and ReFill packer had a backward compatibility issue – fixed.
  • Sometime the static value was not imported correctly when loading old songs – fixed.
  • If an opened patch or sample had been moved or deleted while Reason was running this could prevent the user from saving the song – fixed.
  • Reason could in certain cases unexpectedly quit when saving on Mac OS X – fixed.


  • If many devices in a Combinator were programmed to switch “Receive notes” on/off in the Combinator's programmer, some devices responded slower than other devices. This is now fixed.


  • Increased the buffer size of Malström's Comb filter, this fixed problems with high sample rates.


  • Fixed velocity CV and knob/automation lag when in random mode.
  • Fixed broken velocity change of tied single note when in ON-mode.
  • “Render Arpeggio To Track” was broken when pattern automation lane was enabled.
  • New shortcuts: Shift pattern right: Ctrl + J (Win) or Cmd + J (Mac) Shift pattern left: Ctrl + K (Win) or Cmd + K (Mac) Random sequencer pattern: Ctrl +R (Win) or Cmd + R (Mac) Alter Pattern: Ctrl + T (Win) or Cmd + T (Mac)

Thor's sequencer has now new shortcuts:

  • Shift sequencer pattern right: Ctrl + J (Win) or Cmd + J (Mac)
  • Shift sequencer pattern left: Ctrl + K (Win) or Cmd + K (Mac)
  • Randomize pattern: Ctrl +R (Win) or Cmd + R (Mac)

Audio Card

  • Reason could go silent if the sample rate was changed in Windows Vista or on an aggregated audio card driver in Mac OS X. This is now fixed.


  • Fixed a ReWire problem with FL Studio, making it more robust.
  • Made Ableton Live and Reason ReWire connection more robust.

Topics: Propellerheads Reason 4.0.1 music creation software maintenance update

What People Are Saying

VTine - na

I received your information from your sis. KayJay, I'm the one she spoke of that would be emailing you ref. a friend of my newphew trying to push some music. Just wanted to try and help him out. Thanks PS nice music you have there.

gospa rap theme records - na

hey wazup..love the banging beats man..even the remix to lean back, and the song how we do it...keep it up for god god bless...peace G.R.T productions

Calvin Daniels - USA

Great, uplifting song to start my Monday morning! Keep at it, and I'd like to hear some more!

Andy D - UK

Taurus - ur stuff is the *ting* man i'm tellin ya. I also learned that your a drummer - me to! When I was a kid I used to play around with the piano/keyboard in the 80's/90's (26yr old now). But I can't read music - I play by ear, just like you. You hit the pads & keys, (i gotta mpd32 to!;) in the same manner as me - it flows. I reckon we can play steel drums - even tho we never have! or maybe you have - i don't know! I'm luvin your youtube flix - keep em comin dood. Peace bruv Andy D, birmingham UK.

Gerald Dunton (bxinmd) - US

Good stuff brotha.keep banging for Jesus. I liked the beats,seems like U been doing this for a while. Keep it up. God Bless
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