The NNXT advanced sampler in Reason is packed woth features that allow you to manipulate samples in many ways. this is handy when sample flipping, especially when trying to control pitch and tempo of samples. Pitch controls in the NNXT also affect the tempo of samples and sample slices. Use this to your advantage when flipping a sample. What you discover may lead you into a totally different musical genre, just by changing the pitch and tempo of the sample slice.
Sample Flipping Using Reason NNXT (Part 3/3) - Fake MPC Feel
Here's part 3 of the video series showing how to make a sample flip beat by flipping sample slices using the Propellerhead Reason NN-XT Advanced Sampler.
Sample Flip Beat - Beatmaking tutorial - Sample Flip - How to flip samples - Chopping Samples - NNXT - NN-XT Advanced Sampler
In this video, I show you "How I Reason" by covering the following:
Part 3:
- Changing Sample Tempo (with pitch) and how to take advantage of the effects
- Sample Flipping vs Beat-matching or "looping" a sample
Time: 7:26
Sample Flipping Propellerhead Reason Videos Series Part 3 Using NNXT (NN-XT) Tempo Control
This video is about: sample chop, sample flip, flip a sample, chop a sample, sampling, music sampling, Sample Chopping, Sony Soundforge, Propellerhead, ReCycle, sample Flipping, Propellerheads, Reason, software Akai, MPD32, Pad controller
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