Image for Better – TaurusBeats (Taurus James)
Sample flip beat, remix, demo, accented with various instrumentation, including: piano, electric keys (Rhodes), strings, horns (trumpets, french horns and trombones)
sample flip beat, Better, Moody Grooves, sample flip, moody instrumental music, flip a sample
Make Beats with Reason: Layering Samples - "Better" Sample Flip Beat
I made this video showing how I chopped and flipped the sample from Darwin Hobbs' "Better Is One Day" from his Worshipper album. In this video, I show how I layer samples in the NNXT device. The beat I'm working on in this video is called "Better" .
Watch How I Made This Beat
The Finished Beat
Make Beats with Reason: "Better" (Finished Sample Flip Beat)
This is the finished sample flip beat called "Better". Watch this "How To" video to see how I layer the samples in the track:
Sample from: watch?v=4NkFQTCojws
"Better is One Day" by Darwin Hobbs
Sample Facts
"Better is One Day"
Artist: Darwin Hobbs
Album: Worshipper
Writer:Matt Redman
Label:Motown Gospel
Producer:Israel Houghton, Aaron Lindsey
Better Is One Day · Darwin Hobbs Worshipper ℗ 2005 Motown Gospel Released on: 2005-01-01 Producer: Israel Houghton Producer: Aaron Lindsey Composer Lyricist: Matt Redman
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